A beginner’s guide to MUN

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How to prepare for a MUN conference ?

Are you ready to take on the world stage and represent your country at a Model United Nations (MUN) conference? It can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation, you can shine as a delegate and make a meaningful contribution to the discussions and negotiations. This is why, in this article, we will guide you through the vital preparation steps you need to take before the conference and off course during the conference. 

First and foremost, you should raise awareness about your country’s political regime, cultural aspects, and related information before the MUN conference. 

You need to research your country’s policy in order to have a thorough understanding of its policy and issues that are important to your country. This will help you make informed decisions and represent your country’s interests accurately.

Then you have to look for information on the topic discussed at the conference and find out if the UN and your country have or have not yet proposed solutions for this specific topic. 

For example, imagine you are representing the delegation of France on the ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) committee, and one of your topics is to discuss “ensuring safe and accessible water for everyone”. You could propose solutions that already exist in France that could be implemented elswhere. 

Taking an active part in the debates at a MUN conference 

Participate as much as you can in order to defend or represent your country’s interests. But It is important to remember to stay focused on your objective. For example, if you are on a committee, discussing complex issues concerning the young generation, you will not mention the superior military force of your country. Moreover, you probably should not defend ideas that you genuinely like, but that are incompatible with your country’s policies.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of procedure. 

MUN sessions follow a set of rules designed to ensure that all delegates have an equal opportunity to participate and contribute. Familiarizing yourself with these rules such as the protocol for speaking : you can’t use the pronoun “I”, you should instead use “We”. You will discover many other rules of procedure that ensure the debates remain fluid and civil.

Communicate effectively. 

Good communication skills are essential in MUN. This includes being able to clearly articulate your ideas and positions, as well as actively listen to and engage with the ideas of others.

Collaborate with other delegates.

MUN is a team activity, and it is important to be able to work effectively with others. This includes being open to compromise and finding common ground, as well as being willing to negotiate and find solutions that are acceptable to all parties.

Be open to learning and growth.

As you know Model United Nations is an awesome learning experience.

And one of the keys to becoming a great delegate is being open to feedback and always looking for ways to get perfection. This might involve seeking out opportunities to practice your public speaking skills, learning more about international relations and current events, or seeking out guidance and mentorship from more experienced delegates.

Build your self-confidence.

If you are a confident and engaging delegate on your committee, you will be noticed and remembered by your peers(by other delegates). These two qualities are important for a delegate in order to make a meaningful contribution to the committee’s discussions and negotiations.

And last but not in the importance, do not forget to acquaint new people and have fun! 

Preparing for the debates ©Nicolas Bounet

Conclusion :

In this article, we have given you some tips on how to prepare for the MUN conference.

So you need to be informed about your country, research your country’s policy on the topic, propose ideas in accordance with your country’s policy, and be able to make a meaningful contribution to the discussions and negotiations. Additionally, you should participate during the MUN meeting as much as you can, familiarize yourself with the rules of procedure, and do not forget to have fun. By following our recommendations you’ll shine as a delegate and make a lasting impact at the MUN conference. 

Now it’s your time to take action and start preparing for your MUN experience! 

If you are interested to learn a little more about the MUN conference we invite you to read our article, which is about the experience of one of the students of Theophille Gautier.

Arevhat Hovhannisyan